Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 (2013)

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2

(45 votos)




This is a masterpiece. The reason the title of my review is "Almost Perfect" is because the actor who voices the Joker, Michael Emerson doesn't do a good Joker voice.

DC's 'comic book to film' adaptations are usually single title releases. They are one offs, usually telling a larger story overall with lose connections between films.

In preparation for the upcoming Batman V Superman film, I've decided to revisit a few of each of the heroes' feature films, especially those where they come in direct conflict with one another.With the first part of The Dark Knight Returns being as good as it is, it almost seems unfathomable to think it could be topped by part 2, but for the most part, it is.

The continuation of 'Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1', 'Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2' is a stellar sequel to a equally superior prequel. Its Wow!

It's funny that i can draw parallel with my review for « Mad love » that i didn't praise even if it's also similar to the comics. So i was afraid for this one and it's a surprise that i like it and i wonder why ?

I just watched both parts and there are a lot of thing that bothered me.Millions of bullets and all are flying past their target.

Batman is my number one superhero, Always and Forever. I always follow movies, TV shows or video games, and everything came out about batman, with Scrutiny.

Simple, because the source material is either 1st or 2nd the most beloved batman's graphic novel of all time, therefore, they didn't want to screw it.

I love BATMAN, I love how he's indestructible, and love the comics, BIG FAN, but this one isn't that good as the grades show (8.1).
